
About the lines

The Baku metro is a transportation system connecting underground lines in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. It is the first metro transportation in Turkic, Islamic countries, and the Middle East. The metro consists of 3 lines with a total length of 40.7 km and 27 stations. Seven of the stations are located at great depths.
In 1966, the Baku Metro Administration was established with 6 services including movement, moving trains, road and tunnel structures, sanitary engineering and electromechanics, signaling and communication, and material-technical supply. On November 6, 1967, 5 stations of the Baku metro were put into operation.
The uniqueness of the Baku metro lies in the presence of slopes of 60% and 40% and numerous curves with small radii.
Another feature of the metro is the merging of the Red and Green lines at the "28 May" station on the same level. As a result, trains from "28 May" to "Hazi Aslanov" and vice versa continue their movement on essentially one line.
The movement on the lines is organized as follows:
"Icherisheher-Hazi Aslanov", "Icherisheher-Bakmil"
"Darnagul-Hazi Aslanov", "Khatai-Jafar Jabbarli" (shuttle movement), "Darnagul-Bakmil"
"Avtovaghzal-8 Noyabr", “Khojasan-8 Noyabr”
Between Green and Red lines ("Jafar Jabbarli-Khatai" direction): "28 May" and "Jafar Jabbarli" stations
Between Green and Purple lines: "Memar Ajami" stations (each line's transfer stations bear the same name)