
Purple line

  • Total length

    6.01 km
  • Station number

    4 station

The opening of the first independent, overall, the third line was on April 19, 2016. On the same day, 2 stations of the line were opened (Avtovaghzal and Memar Ajami). On May 29, 2021 - 8 Noyabr  station and on December 23, 2022 - the Khojasan electric depot and the Khojasan ground station were commissioned. The construction of the station with the code name "B-4" continues on Jalil Mammadguluzade Street.
In accordance with the future development plan, 10 new stations, including 6 transfer stations, are to be built on this line. The length of the line will be 18.5 km.
Currently, it has 4 stations.

The movement on the line is organized as follows:
"Avtovaghzal-8 Noyabr"
“Khojasan-8 Noyabr”

To the Green line: "Memar Ajami" station